Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Junk DNA???

    There is no junk DNA, only junk DNA users (Quote from Douluo Dalu but replaced Spirit with DNA). First of all, we’re completely made of DNA. To refer to DNA as junk is to refer to ourselves as junk. It’s like saying “I’m stupid I’m stupid I’m junk I’m junk” a thousand times over. According to Medical News, “In genetics, the term junk DNA refers to regions of DNA that are noncoding. DNA contains instructions (coding) that are used to create proteins in the cell. However, the amount of DNA contained inside each cell is vast and not all of the genetic sequences present within a DNA molecule actually code for a protein.” Junk DNA refers to noncoding DNA, but even those have a purpose. If it didn’t it wouldn’t be there by now! Secondly, I believe that here isn’t just no purpose to it. If we remember from class, each time DNA replicates, it gets shorter every time. Studies show that junk DNA is over 90% of DNA. Each time the DNA strand gets shorter, it has a 90% of erasing “Junk DNA”. Now let’s just say we delete all that “junk DNA” and get right to the good stuff. It deletes the coding DNA every. single. time. Not so eager now to get rid of all that “junk DNA” now, are you disbelievers? But some may claim, “it’s still junk! It’’s just a sacrificial pawn!” But even sacrificial pawns have a purpose. Junk is defined as “old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value.” We’re not willing to discard it. Then why would it be junk? Junk DNA serves a purpose. Therefore, I claim that no DNA is junk!

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